Our first redneck’s name is Joe Bob, and Joe Bob did not know that his car’s transmission should be left in park when he parks the car. Life can be so complicated sometimes. There are so many things you have to remember just to get by these days…Like does the ‘D’ on the gear shift lever stand for done? I’m done driving so I should put the lever on ‘D’ because I’m done. That makes sense.
If there had not been other people who witnessed the incident, this redneck motor head might have assumed that someone had stolen his car while he was pumping gas.
Our 2nd redneck is from the Middle East and his name is Ali Bob. Now, Ali Bob has seen motocross riders on cable TV and he saw Steve McQueen ride a motorcycle in the movie, “The Great Escape,” and he wants to look cool like Steve McQueen did in the movie.
Lots of bikers can ride up and down hills and jump fences like Steve McQueen did, but no one could look as cool as Steve McQueen while they were doing it. Unfortunately, for Ali Bob, he is not there yet. He is no Steve McQueen and probably never will be.
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