Friday, June 8, 2007

No More Paris Hilton

Paris Hilton is out of jail in record time. Five days and she's out!

Do you still think the rich and famous get treated the same as the rest of us? How many poor African-American women get released from a 45 day jail sentence in only five Days? Zero!

How many poor Puerto Rican women get released from a 45 day jail sentence in only five days? Zero!

How many poor Hispanic women get released from a 45 day jail sentence in only five days? Zero!

How much confidence does this second generation son of Irish immigrants now have in the US legal system?

You guessed it! I don't even have to say it. I wonder how much red tape there is in emigrating to Ireland?

Do you think somebody was paid off? Oh no! That never happens.

Here's a little of what David Letterman had to say:

"She wasn't in long enough to sober up."

"Now Paris is under house arrest on a four acre Bel-Air estate. That will teach her."

Jay Leno asked: "How did the other women treat her? They cursed at her, spit on her and pulled her hair. They treated her just like Lindsay Lohan does."

This certainly makes me want to buy one of her CDs or DVDs.

More Paris Hilton Humor...

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