While driving to California, I realize that nature is calling and spot one of those rest areas on the side of the road. Once in the men’s room, I find the first stall taken, so I head for the second stall. Just as I sit down, I hear a voice coming from the adjoining, first stall:
"Hi, how’s it going?"
Since I am not accustomed to striking up conversations with strangers in washrooms, I don't know how to respond. Finally I reply:
"Not bad."
Then I hear the voice ask:
"So, what are you doing?"
I find that an unusual question, but I reply:
"Well, I'm driving to California and..."
Then I hear the flustered voice interrupt, saying:
"Hey, I'll have to call you back. Every time I ask you a question, some moron in the next stall keeps answering me."

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